Humanist Celebrant, a secular humanist officiant, the secular ministry endorsed in all 50 states by The Humanist Society, an educational arm of The American Humanist Association
InSight certified Life Tribute Professional
Sacred Heart University Fairfield, CT
2022 Sacred Heart University Inter-Professional Palliative Care Committee hosts
Chaplains Reflect on Interfaith Approaches To End of Life Care
March 30, 2022 7:00 PM
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Chautauqua Institution
Chautauqua Institution Week 9 August 22-25, 2022
Special Studies Course
The Humanist Choice: Celebrate Without God from the catalogue
With over 25% of the population identifying as unaffiliated, more people are choosing secular ceremonies to commemorate universal life milestones. Many religious holidays have been assimiliated into popular culture and are celebrated as secular events. The humanist choice to celebrate without God has become mainstream. Beyond this, what do humanists celebrate? This course defines the humanist choice, describes humanist celebrants and ceremonies and explores humanist celebrations, which faith communities and humanists can endorse together without prejudice.
Fairfield museum and history center
The Lives Well Lived Film and Event Series co-created and co-sponsored by Mark This Day With Love and Shaughnessey Banks Funeral Home
February 19-24, 2021
My History as an Heirloom - Day 3
Come Listen to My Story - Reimagining the Memorial Anita Peters
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American Humanist Association 2019 Annual Conference University of Miami
Let's Celebrate Humanism! Building Community by Assigning Significance within a Secular Life